HSK 5 Exam Preparation & Advanced Learning

For those who are at a more advanced level and want to take their study of Chinese further, our HSK 5 Mandarin course is the next logical step.

When you study at CSL, your qualifications are accredited and recognised globally. Our courses are designed and structured for those who want to further their study of the Chinese language. They follow the official Mandarin Chinese Proficiency Test and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). While our lessons are varied in terms of complexity and difficulty, you can be sure you are learning to a standardised level with high-quality instruction in each lesson.

If you are 18 years or older and are continuing advanced Chinese lessons, our small group Mandarin courses are perfect. Each lesson is 2 hours long at a rate of £18 per hour. The HSK 5 course is geared towards building fluent speaker skills, which covers topics such as society, culture, and literature — all in depth.

The full course consists of 6 classes, including levels A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3. Upon completion of these modules, students can then take the HSK 5 exam. Those who pass will have a total vocabulary of roughly 2,500 words or more, will be able to read characters professionally, and will easily be able to comprehend written and spoken information in Mandarin.

Whether you are looking to learn Mandarin to open up job opportunities, to communicate with friends and family, to learn about Chinese culture in preparation for moving to China, or if it’s just simply for a fun challenge, the best way to do it is by following the HSK standard.

Our HSK level 5 program is located in the heart of London and is starting on April 6th, 2020. Register today to secure your spot and ensure you don’t miss out.

What is HSK?
The Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) translates to mean Chinese Proficiency Test. It was created as a standardised test to better serve those who are learning Chinese, as it tests non-native speaker’s proficiency in the language. HSK is comprised of six levels, from HSK I to HSK VI. Those who take the HSK (Level I) test and pass can understand and use very basic Chinese words and phrases, which makes it the right level to learn the foundations of Chinese language. Those who take the HSK (Level VI) test and pass can easily understand both spoken and written Chinese and can easily communicate and express themselves.

  • Max size: 8
  • Min age: 18
  • Duration: HSK5 A1 (6-12 weeks) + HSK5 A2 (6-12 weeks) + HSK5 A3 (6-12 weeks) + HSK5 B1 (6-12 weeks) + HSK5 B2 (6-12 weeks) + HSK5 B3 (6-12 weeks);
  • Price: £18/hour (2 hours per lesson)
  • HSK: HSK 5 (C1): Fluent speaker skills building towards discussing about society, culture and literature in depth;
  • Total vocabularies: 2500 words and more
  • Outcome: Read characters professionally; Can easily comprehend written and spoken information in Mandarin

Course Time Price Duration Start/End Location Book Enquire
Monday evening 6.30pm- 8.30pm £36/lesson * 12 lessons 
 12 weeks 06/04-06/07 (two weeks holiday) 45 Oxford Street, London W1D 2DZ


Read our Terms and Conditions here
Course Time Price Duration Start/End Location Book Enquire
Course Time Price Duration Start/End Location Book Enquire